The Impact of Nazism on 20 century Music

Casa Editrice: Böhlau
Compositore: AAVV
94,50 €
Tasse incluse

The impact of Nazism on twentieth-century music was immense as evidenced by this volume featuring seventeen essays by a group of internationally recognised scholars. The range of enquiry is extraordinarily wide, covering the issue of “Inner Emigration” during the Third Reich and remigration in the Netherlands after the Second World War, as well as the work of exiled composers such as Korngold, Weill, Weigl, Ullmann, Eisler, Achron, Goldschmidt and Gál.

In addition, there are penetrating discussions of the employment of Handel’s music in the Jewish Cultural League, Nazi musical censorship in occupied Poland and the fate of émigré musicians and musicologists in wartime Britain. Three chapters detail the musical relationship between Franco’s Spain and the Third Reich.

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Dal lunedì al venerdì 10:00-13:00 / 14:30-18:30
Sabato 14:30-18:30
Domenica CHIUSO

Per i docenti di ruolo e i nati nel 2000 Musica Musica ha scelto di aderire all'iniziativa promossa dal Governo relativa al buono da 500 € da spendere in cultura

Orario di apertura

Dal lunedì al venerdì 10:00-13:00 / 14:30-18:30
Sabato 14:30-18:30
Domenica CHIUSO

Per i docenti di ruolo e i nati nel 2004 Musica Musica ha scelto di aderire all'iniziativa promossa dal Governo relativa al buono da 500 € da spendere in cultura